You may use SSH protocol as a proxy policy, an equivalent to ssh -D
Profile syntax:
- Password authentication
proxy = ssh,, 22, username=root, password=pw
- Public key authentication
proxy = ssh,, 22, username=root, private-key=key1
key1 = type=openssh-private-key, base64=[The base64 encoded content of the private key file]
Please note you must use base64 to encode the entire private key file again, even though the private key file uses the base64 encoding itself.
All four types of private keys, RSA/ECDSA/ED25519/DSA, are supported.
Surge only supports
as the kex algorithm andaes128-gcm
as the encryption algorithm. It means that the SSH server must use OpenSSH v7.3 or above. (It should not be a problem since OpenSSH 7.3 was released on 2016-08-01.)You may specify the idle timeout parameter now. The default value is 180s.
proxy = ssh,, 22, username=root, password=pw, idle-timeout=180
Server Fingerprint
To cope with MITM attacks, you can specify the server's public key fingerprint with server-fingerprint
, which ensures that only legitimate servers are connected.
proxy = ssh,, 22, username=root, password=pw, idle-timeout=180, server-fingerprint = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBk2No6KBq2m9VTCcHXXJBX4/A3RNr+L+yDBl5+TF9qz"
As there may be multiple public keys for a server, the server-fingerprint
parameter supports configuring multiple fingerprints.
server-fingerprint = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBk2No6KBq2m9VTCcHXXJBX4/A3RNr+L+yDBl5+TF9qz,ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD7aoFCymj8NJL+xMqYzRLGpIfVd2sebgtnD3cplG7/lrvPGYIpRAOkKqdUBOkRd2x68JFe0u+gBHQxFkv8o81Saqr6qxcrq4mPiyqxOTRkvDMtYrjJ4AJZE26nCzHRCC7Ji6Mq2OtepTJcC9uk2LLcRrF3G05qu6ToeK1LgXgqc+b2RLOQJ1AXEeNgn0NIXWlBv4AhQRJ6fFQi4HO/jkxpFNfzKY+dPDx6P3VAazYa2nl8wpLbXt+tq6SBv8RctwDuYszAbjSCPPJq7ToX/Svqqbl82qtOLOofcQ8/f8809i4RQ0yuEpVLnVVWd7cZx5h45vt+/I1Ifr2pS7BqhLL/,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBLdhR3D2BvyD7FTXfx0CrjZF2tVgoVRFi1poGKoX0eXc9OlpiaqNos4niiN0GWyoT4mL724cgvaL+vHW8sTZE5A="
If the server's sshd supports ed25519, only the fingerprint of ssh-ed25519 is needed.
You may obtain the server fingerprint from ~/.ssh/known_hosts
file. Or you may use the command ssh-keyscan
in a trusted network environment to fetch. Please remove the hostname in the front of the line before copying it to Surge.