Snell Protocol

Snell is a lean encrypted proxy protocol developed by our team. Here are some highlights:

  • Extreme performance.
  • Support UDP over TCP relay.
  • Single binary with zero dependencies. (except glibc)
  • A wizard to help you start.
  • Proxy server will report remote errors to the client if an error encounters. Clients may choose countermeasures for different scenarios.

The Snell protocol is intended for Surge users only. Please do not reverse-analyze the protocol and make a compatible client of it. We want to keep the user base as small as possible; thanks for your understanding.

You can download the standalone server binary from here:

The latest version is v4, which is not compatible with the previous versions like before. Please upgrade both the client (Surge iOS & Surge Mac) and the server binary.

Proxy = snell,, 6333, psk=RANDOM_KEY_HERE, version=4

Release Notes


  • Fix a potential crash that may occur during UDP forwarding.


  • Add a dns parameter for customizing DNS server addresses, supporting multiple address configurations.
  • Update the DNS library c-ares to the latest version to resolve compatibility issues with specific DNS records.
  • Add output of the currently used DNS server at startup.
  • Adjust log output to lower broken pipe error messages to verbose level.
  • Update libuv to v1.48.0 to fix potential crashes when accessing IPv6 addresses on certain systems.
  • Improve log information for DNS errors.
  • Fix an issue where certain invalid DNS records could cause a crash.


Fixed a bug that UDP packets can't be forwarded to IPv6 addresses.

Surge Mac as Snell Proxy Server

You may also use Surge Mac as a Snell proxy server (Starting from version 3.1.0). Add the following lines to your profile.

[Snell Server]
interface =
port = 6160

The embedded Snell server in Surge uses the Snell V1 protocol.

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